Thursday, May 29, 2008

In Love.......

when I came back from KL, I was in some sort of a little stress and depression..
Somehow I pulled through but not before i got into some miscommunication with some of my friends........ well I just hope they were able to comprehend my mental state and understand the situation...........

And moving on....... I met someone.... a guy....... and I fell in love with him.... A bit young but he is sweet and nice........... a young man who has not yet being corrupted by the world of sex lies and deceit...... well maybe not on the sex part if you get my drift.....hehehehehehe

KL Trip

When I came back from London, the following week I went to KL for my baby niece 3 year old birthday... I made her a dress that looked like the Barbie Island Princess..... Didn't have the pictures yet as waiting for my brother to finish downloading it from his new DVD Camcorder.... Anyway took some pictures there.... met some singapore veteran actors there... dad took a picture with them

Madame Trussard Gallery

In this entry I wanted to show you some of the pictures that I took when i was at the Madame Trussard Gallery in London. It was actually a fun and awe stricking musuem of wax. I was having so much fun posing with all the "stars" that I lost my mind... hahahahaha Hugging the mannequinnes ... it was hilarious...
cant post all of them as too many pictures....

Lord Of The Rings Theater London

This entry is for you to see just what I saw at the theater of london. Unfortunately no photography was allowed but i did managed to get pictures of the show from the official website.

The stage was so beautiful.... there were "vines" creeping all over the side walls and it looked so is a definite word for it.

London Trip

Well it was a business trip rather than a holiday however it was wonderful as it was my second time going to London and of course despite all the work load that I had to endure before the trip, I was actually feeling good abt it all.

I saw 2 theater play while I was there, Chicago(boring) and the Lord of the rings ( that was fabulous.... I love the costume... and the theater was beautifully breathtaking... wished you could all see it.. maybe I will post some of the pictures from the catalog i bought from the theater.....

I truly enjoyed myself on this trip although it burned a huge hole in my pocket due to some loopholes by my company.... nvr mind that....